Building a remote controlled Arduino robot based on the Turtle-2WD mobile platform


In previous posts, I presented new hardware I acquired to build an Arduino robot and preliminary component testing. In this post, I share my experiments aimed at building the robot. Firstly, I will present and justify the electrical system I designed. Secondly, I will talk about its implementation and thirdly I will review the mechanical assembling. Finally, I will present a test code featuring QT. Continue reading

Testing newly acquired robot components


My last post presented new hardware I acquired to build a remote controlled mobile robot: an Arduino Uno, a DFRobot Motor Shield 2A and a Copperhead Wifi shield. This post presents the work done to test the new material. First, the Arduino microcontroller is tested individually. Second, motor shield is combined and tested with the Arduino, then Copperhead shield and Arduino are tested together. Finally, the Arduino is tested with both shields. Continue reading